Since the training week at Esrange which ended last friday, we have been working hard to get a detailed structure of the work that awaits. Every subgroup are doing a work breakdown structure and a gantt chart. Hopefully this will increase the effectivity of the work.
Regarding the mechanical design the experts at Esrange were not fond of our releasemechanism using two springs. Due to that we will come up with a new design the upcoming week where a piston motor will be used instead. We will also make some other improvments on the design and make it more detailed. As soon as that is done a new CAD-model wil be made.
When the new design is made we will continue with simulations; Thermal, Model and Finite element analyses.
Next week we will also buy some components so we can make some tests with real stuff and confirm our electrical simulations. The microcontroller will also be bought so the programmers can start their tests too.
Last Monday five team members travelled to LuleƄ where they held a presentation about our project and the REXUS/BEXUS programme in general for students in lower grades.
Best regards!
I haven't used any charts for projects myself, but a Gantt chart is so good!